SOZO History

The history of Bethel SOZO

In 1997 Randy Clark, a healing evangelist, held meetings at Bethel Church in Redding CA. At that time, Pastor Clark’s practice would be to send a team to train a congregation before the meetings how to be prayer servants. A small portion of that training was a model of “deliverance” from Argentina. This model became the first tool “The Four Doors”.

Dawna DeSilva was one of the people who attended this training at Bethel. Afterward, Dawna began to use the concept of “The Four Doors” when she prayed for people. Seeing a miraculous difference in people’s level of freedom, she incorporated that tool as part of her normal practice. As more people wanted this training the “Sozo Ministry” with Dawna becoming its leader and founder. As the ministry developed, the Lord introduced other tools that have aided people in being healed and released from the wounds and lies which have hindered those individuals from intimacy with the Godhead and thus, their destiny.

In 1998 other churches and organizations outside Bethel requested training in the Sozo Ministry methods so they could also share in the fruit of what God had started. Thus Bethel’s Sozo Ministry started traveling to train and equip these other churches and organizations to start their own Sozo ministries. (HMI’s Sozo ministry became part of that Bethel network around 2013).

In 2005, the Bethel’s Sozo Ministry went global. In July of 2008, to better assistant those ministries that have been launched, the International Bethel Sozo Organization was created by Bethel Sozo leaders Dawna DeSilva and Teresa Liebscher.

More information as well as a complete list of churches in the worldwide Sozo network can be found at